Everyone Deserves a Coach!

Someone to Give Kindness, Partnership & Accountability as You Reach for Your Goals

Let’s Get Started Today!

  • Get Started with Healthy Habits

    This session will get you started towards a healthier and happier life.

    We’ll look at your food choices and level of exercise and movement, shift you to a positive mindset so you believe you can make healthy changes in your life, and discuss support and resources.

    Sometimes getting started is the hardest part and I’d love to help you with this important first step.

    One 90-Minute Session of One-on-One Health & Wellness Coaching with Jen

  • Bee Healthy & Well for Life!

    This personalized program helps you get your body moving and doing activities that you enjoy, gain control over your food choices, and lose weight in the process.

    Get past feeling discouraged and stuck - and learn to live life again. You’ll feel stronger, have more energy, and be more confident in your body and comfortable in your clothes.

    You’ll have the knowledge and skills to maintain these healthy habits for a lifetime.

    Options for six or twelve 50-60 Minute Sessions of One-on-One Coaching, Resources, & Support, depending on where you are & the goals you seek.

  • Keep Going Strong!

    After twelve weeks of coaching, let’s keep the personal growth and healthy habit creation moving forward! I’ll provide continued accountability, personalized guidance, resources, and support to expand the healthy habits you’re creating.

    Knowing that someone is there for you will help you stay on track.

    Evaluate what inspires you in life and take action to get there!

    Twelve Sessions of One-on-One Coaching with the schedule arranged for your needs and desires, weekly, every two weeks, or monthly.

 Value of Getting Active, Fit, Energized & Healthy = Priceless

Are you curious about coaching?

Contact me today and schedule a free 30-minute phone call

206-724-7391 phone or text - or -

Email me: bee.well.healthcoach@gmail.com

Scholarships Available

I believe that health & wellness coaching will benefit everyone and I want to make coaching accessible to you.

Please let me know if you are unable to pay the full rate and we can discuss options.

Client Testimonials

“Where I feel the biggest difference has been in the areas of diet and nutrition, physical activity, and self-care. Improvements in these areas have had spillover effects such as greater productivity at work, more energy, improved self-esteem, and a better ability to manage stress or whatever life throws my way.”

— TC.

“Coaching with Jen has been an incredibly rejuvenating and restorative practice for me. Jen helps guide us to our own advice for ourselves. The direction we take in pursuing our own wellness comes from inside ourselves rather than some outside expert force, and that makes the goal setting and work so much more empowering. I’m so grateful for this space and for Jen’s guidance and coaching. ”

— MD.